Friday, August 15, 2008

Your Target Designation Is More Than Appreciated!

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Did you know that 1% of all your Target purchases will be donated back to our Evergreen School if you use any one of three Target Redcards?

And when you use your Target Credit Card somewhere else than Target, a half percent of your purchases will be donated to Evergreen.

If you designate Evergreen Elementary School as your school and use the Target Visa card, Target Credit Card, or the Target Check card to pay for your purchase, Target will donate 1% of the entire purchase back to our school.

Target will send the donation to Evergreen PTO's Fund through your Target Credit Card. It won't cost you a dime! Just let Target know that you would like to participate in the Take Charge of Education Program and designate Evergreen Elementary School (Plainfield).

Go to to learn more, or click HERE to see how Evergreen Elementary School is doing. You can also call 1-800-316-6142. Our school ID is 73861

The money that is raised through Target will go to our Student's Fund that will be used to improve the school for our students.

Thanks for your support,

Your Evergreen's PTO Team

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